The Legend of Hikari Distillery: Home to the Sleeping Casks
Nestled in the heart of Hakata-ku, Fukuoka, Japan, lies the renowned Hikari Distillery, a place where time seems to stand still. Within its walls is an age-old tradition that has now become synonymous with Hakata Whisky - the art of the sleeping casks.
Retired president of Hikari distillery and master distiller, Naomi Mitsuya took a leap some 20+ years ago by combining his passion for spanish sherry and the distillery's unique method of distilling to create a liquid unlike any other. Without any true agenda, the spirit made of local barley and koji was added to these ex-sherry casks personally sourced from Spain and relocated to the distillery warehouses. By allowing the casks to slumber in perfect harmony, undisturbed by the outside world, while nature worked its magic within, the future of their contents were unknown to all until their recent discovery. We encourage you to experience these expressions, as they represent a moment in time and an experiment backed by passion and craft.
Naoki Mitsuya
Retired President of Hikari Distillery responsible for sourcing and relocating the ex-sherry casks from Spain used to age the Hakata spirit some 20+ years ago.
Nagasue Masanari
Current Director of Sales the Hikari Distillery
Chizuru Fukano
Creator of the F-Project, past director of the Fukano Distillery. Executive liason to traditional distilled spirits of Southern Japan
Chris Uhde
Int’l Curator of Hakata Whisky, traditional Japanese and koji spirits advocate. Vice President of ImpEx Beverages, San Francisco, CA USA